Climate Change Toolkit (CCT)

Climate Change Toolkit (CCT) handles all climate change analyses tasks.

CCT is a program, which handles all climate change analysis’ tasks in one package. The program consists of: Data Extraction, Global Climate Data Management, Bias Correction and Statistical Downscaling, Spatial Interpolation, and Critical Consecutive Day Analyzer modules. CCT is linked to an archive of global dataset of daily historic (CRU, 1970-2006), and AOGCM data (1960-2099) from five models and four carbon scenarios.
Reference: Vaghefi S.A., Abbaspour N., Kamali B., Abbaspour K.C. 2017. A toolkit for climate change analysis and pattern recognition for extreme weather conditions - Case study: California-Baja California Peninsula. Environmental Modelling and Software, 96:181-198.
Download CCT
The codes of CCT program can be found in the GitHub. CCT GitHub
